Friday, April 23, 2010

Online TV Programme will be aired by

An online tv programme will be aired by from the 1st week of March 2010.The programme will includes several highlights like,news,views,Interviews,articles and songs related with Bhutanese theme.Watch below its earlier live interview with Bhutanese resettled in Charlottetown Canada.Programme host Parsuram Giri is Interviewing Chandra Maya Baral formerly from Sanischarae camp.

Jasoda Chhetri expressed her satisfaction upon resettling in Canada.She smiles and say,"I am lucky to be resettled here in Charlottetown and people are very supportive for me!Watch the interview,,

1 comment:

  1. Nice interview,Madan Jee,keep on doing.It looks like you are trying to do something in Canada


My Speech during the Refugee Rights Day in Charlottetown,Canada