The Nepali festival Tihar is also known by many names such as Dipawali or Bhai Tika or Laxmi Puja or as a festival of lights. It is a five-days festival, which comes soon after the Dashain Festival, and Tihar is all about worshiping of different animals such as crow, dog, cow, and worshiping of the Hindu Goddess of Fortune or Wealth (Goddess Laxmi), and cooking great meals at home, brothers and sisters shopping for gifts, flying kites, decorating homes and streets, playing cards with friends, resting and relaxing, and finally ending the festival with an exchange of a special temporary mark on forehead (tika in Nepali). The last day of the festival is known as Tika day or popularly known as Bhai Tika day (Bhai in Nepali means Brother). To sum up Tihar festival, Tihar is the festival when sisters wish a long life to their brothers.
This song,GHUMERA AYO TIHAR PHERI,,,really reflect my life back in the camp.So typical and melodious song composed and music arranged by.Laxmi Adhikari,who recently has been resettled in Halifax,NS,Canada.
This song,GHUMERA AYO TIHAR PHERI,,,really reflect my life back in the camp.So typical and melodious song composed and music arranged by.Laxmi Adhikari,who recently has been resettled in Halifax,NS,Canada.
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