Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Why do you love Canada? Faces of newest residents of Newfoundland and Labrador

At a recent Association for New Canadians event, photographer Andrew Edwards captured dozens of portraits of new residents of this province. 
Each told the association why they love their new country. 
Azarak: Came to Newfoundland from Sudan in 2008
Azarak came to Newfoundland from Sudan
"Canada is my second country and the best country."
Amanail: Came to Canada from Sudan in November 2015
Amanail came to Canada in November from Sudan
"I like Canada because it has freedom and I am free."
Sifa & Charlotte: Young sisters from the Congo came to Newfoundland in December 2015
Sifa & Charlotte, young sisters from the Congo
"Canada… is a safe country and everyone has the right to choose friends."
Noway: Came to Canada in September with his mother and siblings
Noway is a young man from Eritrea
He is proud of the fact that, "Here in Canada, we have full freedom of human rights." 
Debora, Ferdinand, Tereza, Naomi and Divine: Came to Canada together in March 2015 from Burundi 
Debora, Ferdinand, Tereza, Naomi and Divine came to Canada together in March 2015
The students attend the ANC ESL Training Centre where they study English five days a week. They all agree that "Canada is a peaceful country."
Dhan and Asman Kumari: Originally from Bhutan but spent many years in Nepal before immigrating to Canada in 2013 with their children
Dhan Kumari
Asman Kumari
"In Canada, I like the freedom, the people, and going to school."

My Speech during the Refugee Rights Day in Charlottetown,Canada